
30 Mar

I was not at all prepared for how emotional the Run Across America would be for me!  Probably an understatement, but this will leave a lasting mark on me for many reasons some of which I am unable to put into words this time.  I am going to post a quick entry of some pictures and what they mean to me.  So here goes!


This is the team from Leg #1.

Eric, Zody, Brian, Kelsey, Ashley, Harmony and Charlie

Nervous, excited, cold and passionate!



Kelsey and Harmony getting ready to do Mile #1 from Oceanside, CA

Kelsey was out cheerleader always ready to belt an impromptu summer camp song and make everyone laugh.  Unbelievable energy and passion.  Couldn’t get her to stop thanking me when all I could think of doing was thanking her!  An unbelievable young woman!

Harmony, who I have written about before, is just full of love and passion you can’t help but want to hug!  Love her and thoughts and prayers continue to be with Ryan and his FIGHT!


Laura- Mother of twin 6 year olds making a commitment to spend 21 days running across the country for those who can’t!  I am in awe of her strength and proud to call her FRIEND!


Susan Zody- WOW!  In the middle of a life/career change working to find her call that she knows is somewhere where kids are involved!  She is an amazing woman who is running for the entire 21 days.  Her emotions and passion are piercing.  I can’t wait to get back to continue our “search for your career that is in line with your passion” conversations!  Love her determination!


There is more to come and believe me it is hard to hold back tears when I think about what my friends are doing.  Help us make a difference and donate to a cause that is second to none!


Posted by on March 30, 2012 in Uncategorized


3 responses to “Emotions

  1. Harmony

    March 30, 2012 at 1:11 PM

    You are a blogging machine!! Love this post! That first 350 miles will always be special!!

  2. tulip5109

    March 30, 2012 at 1:26 PM

    Keep tweeting and definitely keep blogging. I just caught up with your blogs and I’m current going forward. I felt like I was right there with all of you. I think you said Meg will be blogging your absence.
    Can you tell us who is on the team? Maybe you posted it somewhere, but I want to see what UCF/Team Fight friends are on the team.
    Thanks everyone. Can’t wait to read the next one.

  3. Leslie Nissenberg

    March 30, 2012 at 1:29 PM

    I think I lost my original comment…..
    Keep tweeting, keep blogging. I just read through your blogs and I’m current and will be following the team’s progress. You guys are amazing. Makes me want to be there with you. Actually, from your blogs, I feel like I am.

    Can you send us the names of the people on the team. I want to see who of my UCF/Team Fight pals are there with you.

    Keep up the great work. Can’t wait to hear more.


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